Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Prima BAP Dec 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Boyzone Challenge at Scrappin Patch....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Week 6 - at BPS - Black and White with Nic....All finished Now!
The Black and White colours of the 6th week were really a challenge especially when I stuck the white pic on the black card and vice versa and couldn't change them (yes even I do it lol) I did enjoy the cards tho and then the layout, I knew straight away what photo I was going to use and the whole layout fell into place, I think the final result is Ok
I love how the Tim Holtz Tattered Flowers came out being made in black cardstock and then dunked in some diamond dust.
Here is the black and white cards for you to have a peek at....
Thanks for taking the time to have a look.... Leave me a comment if you like and let me know what you think of the Layout and Cards
Toodles xx

Friday, December 3, 2010
Week 5 - Purple at BPS with Nic
Week 5 was no exception, we used purple - a mixture of Indigo and Violet.
My Friend Sharon, was over the moon when this colour came up as its her definate favourite and she completed 2 wonderful layouts and her wee colour cards as well, really doing the colour justice.
I have enjoyed using this colour on the 1st layout, but then we had an opportunity to use it in an xtra challenge along with another of my favourite companies goodies and the is Dusty Attic, so you will see I have plenty as used 3 pieces on my layout.
Anyway thanks for looking and hope you have a wonderful weekend, I have the last scrap saturday tomorrow here in Dunedin for the year with a group of like minded Friends, if any of you would like to join us next year for a 3 weekly/monthly Scrap Saturday then let me know and I will give you the details.
Toodles xxx

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Week 4 - Blue with Nic over at BPS
It just all fell into place and I love the outcome, what do you think?
The little gate is Dusty Attic (another favourite Company) and I even managed to get a little silver Bell to put under our last name.
Toodles xxx

Friday, November 26, 2010
Ok....So I admit it....I'm a..........
hence my visit, which as it turns out wasn't exactly working in my favour!)
Apparently I drink far too much COFFEE and that is apparently the problem, once again I don't see it as a problem, what really is wrong with having one at 5.30am and then having a continuous cup while scrappin until bedtime usually around 11pm....ok so maybe there are a few I could cut out, but WHY? The Doc informed me I would be much better dropping some coffees and having GREEN TEA..................GREEN TEA! what the hell is green tea I said, does that come in the form of a coffee jar and have "Moccona" on the label, cos if it doesn't then this gal ain't drinking it!
Well just try it he said.....................he must have thought Ha! I have her here now lets tell her she needs a blood which I replied "What the hell for" I'm not sick...ok i have a problem, apparently i drink too much coffee but does that really require a blood test....I don't think so! he wants to check my liver (its fine its pickled from the over excessive amount of wine I also drink) he wants to check my cholesterol (its fine, its not like I eat a lot of takeaways...oh hang on yes i do! na its fine) he wants to check my Kidneys (they are fine, they go hand in hand with my liver) and a heap of other things, when he tried to hand me the form I said "No thanks" I'm feeling fine, Maybe (definitely)a kilo or 5 overweight (due to the takeaways and the heavy drinking I suspect!) but feeling fine and your not going to send me for a blood test to find something and tell me I will only have a matter of weeks to live...........cos that's what happens, people go to the Dr feeling just a little off colour and then wham the next thing they are drinking up a storm cos they have been told (via a blood test....) that they have cancer or heart disease or whatever and they better sort out their priorities cos it will all be over theory is cut out the middle man (the Doc), drink eat and be merry and scrap away to your little hearts content and if and when your time comes then so be it..................Anyway I was sidetracked.........
I found some GREEN TEA Yesterday and thought Ok I will try this for one day,
Verdict:- I don't like it!!! I woke up this morning feeling yuck and like I was it possible to drink too much GREEN TEA, I think so! the box had 25 tea bags and now theres only 17 least I know where I stand with my trusty cup of "Moccona" its my inspiration for scrappin, if I hit a wall and can't find that idea in my grey matter then a cup always sorts out the brainwaves and puts everything back in place and off we go again,
GREEN TEA and DOCTORS are the only 2 things that should be taken in very "little" moderation!
So while I have my 4th cup this morning and think about the scrappin day ahead, I will think more about the Blood Test form that is on the side of my fridge, But I will win...............
Hope you have a great weekend and get lots of scrappin done
Toodles xx

Thursday, November 18, 2010
BPS - Week 3 - Green with Nic...
Of course there had to be a little Prima and Timmy (as usual) but a little never hurt..... did it?Anyway I would love to hear your thoughts on this layout so please let me know what you think
Toodles xx

Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Colour (color) Orange/Yellow BPS Challenge with Nic.....
Thanks for looking and Happy Scrappin...
Toodles xx

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Colour RED..........................
Here is my take on the RED Layout Challenge
Letz know what you think.......................

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Anyway what do you think, this is what I came up with over Labour Weekend not my usual over the top layout with every inch covered but I quite like the simpleness of it....well I have to it's the only one I'm entering......................
Thanks for taking the time to have a look,
Toodles xx

Friday, October 22, 2010
Christchurch Earthquake Charity Crop last weekend held around the country.
Here is my take on the sketch. I didn't enter Trina's competition but did it for fun anyway
Hope you like it...............
Have a fantastic Labour Weekend and letz hope all the folk in Canterbury can relax and have just a litle break from all the aftershocks, and maybe even a little sun would be nice
Toodles xx

Monday, October 18, 2010
Some of the Ladies that were at the retreat asked about the bird cage I started there, well it is on my scrap room wall and looks quite cool, here is a pic of it for you
See what you think..................
The Picture might be as good as it could be, but you get the general idea, and yes the yellow is the colour of my scrap room, nice bright and sunny (even when it's snowing outside)
Till next time
Toodles xx

Friday, September 24, 2010
Anyway I procrastinate, I wanted to share this layout with you I have just completed it for this months BAP over at Prima, I loved the sketch challenge this month, Trev thought there were "too many flowers" ................................. but what would he know!!!
I have used 99% Prima and a touch of Basic Grey (the title), and cut some of the flowers from my favourite Die from Tim Holtz ..... if you can get your hands on one Please grab it with both and you will never regret it, I promise you. The possibilities for creating your own wonderful flowers are endless.
So what do you think, I am absolutely falling in love with the new ranges from Prima and have just had a sneaky at the 7 Gypsies as well and am really liking them , have you seen them over at Scrappin Patch, click on the link and go for a look
OK thanks for looking and let me know what you think......
Have a great weekend

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
very busy creating some layouts for upcoming Challenges over at
Scrappin Patch, for after the "STARS" Comp finishes.
However here is a Layout I created recently using the
Basic Grey "Capella" range and of course a little Prima and Tim
on the side never hurts.
The saying says:
What Joys did they feel
What Hardships did they know
What Stories could they tell
I will never know, but
These People hold the Key to my Past
They are My Great Grandparents
All these Goodies are available over at Scrappin Patch

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Prima BAP for August

Friday, August 13, 2010
Beautimus Layout
This layout was for a Challenge over at Scrapbooking By Design. I love how it came together and included all the elements that were required. It is a great Pic of Emz and her best friend Haley
before another big night out.

Monday, August 9, 2010
Vintage Shabby Layout for Scrappin Patch Comp Aug 10

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Where do We Begin....